Random game (the South Dakota Lottery was built 1987 after a constitutional change approved by the constituency). Historically, the introduction of video lottery in 1989 in South Dakota is a watershed event. The next year the lottery joined the Multi-State Lottery Association. Right now there is a choice for them to participate in multi-lottery games like Lucky for Life or Powerball, Lotto America, Mega Millions or the South Dakota Lottery’s non-jackpot lottery game, Dakota Cash.
From the beginning, the South Dakota Lottery has provided more than $1 billion for education, environmental projects and services to help prevent gambling in South Dakota. In addition, it has also provided a substantial sum of money for drinking water and wastewater treatment upgrade projects, recycling and waste management programs, by releasing millions of dollars.
What is the deadline for claiming my prize?
What should I do if my ticket is lost/damaged/stolen?
Is it possible to buy South Dakota Lottery tickets by mail, on the internet, or over the phone?
Do I need to pay taxes on South Dakota Lottery winnings?
The minimum playing age for the South Dakota Lottery is 18.
What lottery games can be played in South Dakota?
Can my identification be kept secret if I win a lottery prize?
Can lottery tickets be bought in advance?